Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Ape in its Glory

So what gives with these lazy a** (aka butt) people around Butler? Are they only in my town? Take a look at the photo! Look close, real close & you'll notice that there is more garbage off in the distance too.
This is a local road through Alameda Park in Butler. The 5K run uses this route and more than a few runners train on this fairly level stretch of road from the YMCA into the Park.

You can imagine my irritation when rolling through and seeing all this crap thrown on the road. I started taking notice of the wrappers and the funny thing was that they turned out to be mostly fast food. Not Whole Foods or GNC or anything remotely healthy for you. Just the normal crap food, soda, and run of the mill sports drinks from the local convenience store! Then I started thinking about the costs of these items $3.50, $ 1.99 and so on.... which eventually brought me to thinking:

Some moron,
who could afford a car,
afford a license,
afford insurance,
afford gas,
afford the Micky D Value Meal (super sized)

Come ON? If I knew who did this I would have gladly picked it up and taken it to their house leaving it plastered to the side of their home! To add to the insanity here is another photo taken on the same stretch of road. No Kidding a Dumpster! If even the lazy a** had stopped and dumped his/her garbage in the Dumpster. Still a cop-out but better than winging it along the road. Seriously folks $300 for Littering? You deserve to be beat in public! There is No excuse for dumping bags of garbage out anywhere. If you can't afford pick up at your house or find a public disposal then keep it in your car or at your house NOT along the roads that I and others use to enjoy running, walking and biking along!

Since the snow has melted I notice beer, soda, and whiskey bottles and cans everywhere. Really what the he11 do people think? Is it really ok to do this? No its not so stop! Oh yea I hear you, the cigarette toss from the window.... yea that's Littering too! Just maybe someday I'll get the chance while stopped at a light to pick the damn thing up and toss it back into the morons car while saying "dude, you dropped this".

Example of a proper place to dispose of garbage!
Kind of reminds us the we evolved form apes... well at least some of us evolved


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