Friday, February 02, 2007

Do we ride when its snowing?

Have you ever been asked this question?
I know that TJ and I are always getting this question from someone. Then they ask, "don't you get cold?"

Do you ski in the winter? Do you get cold? Yes but you don't die! Dress for the activity and you'll be fine! So I was at the bike shop this week when a guy from Peru (no joke he was visiting relatives) stopped in looking for a derailleur, when he asked the question.... you guys don't get much riding in during the winter do you? I replied yes, yes we do get riding in during the winter and when it snows its some of the best riding I've ever experienced. TJ quickly chimed in agreeing! The dude from Peru looked surprised and all at once became very interested in how much riding we did in the snow and how much more intense it must be for training. Everyone that really knows me could tell you where I am when its snowing heavy! I love a heavy slow snow. Its even better at night to ride past the locals plowing their driveways and the couple Township plow trucks. These guys know me and mostly turn off the spreader as they go around or as I pass from the other direction.

These are awesome roads!

Proof that its really me riding!

I Love the snow as you can see


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