Monday, October 23, 2006

Best Friends

Well, Best friends are great! Sunday morning i went to my best buds (TJ Platt) house to help him move a few things before going for a ride. Upon waking up I sat around the house for a bit drinking some fresh coffee and looking out the window and the glorious colors. After a few cups I drove off to TJs place. He and I have been riding together for most of the 5 years I've been riding. Yes I meet TJ at Dirty Harrys a few months after getting into the bike scene in 2001. We hit it off pretty good and instantly became close. We have trained & ridden together many many miles since then, winning more than a few 24 hour races with other teammates along with a few 6 hour and 100 mile duo races. During the summer race season we don't get the chance to ride together like we do in the off season so I've been looking forward to spending some hours with him. TJ & I are the most consistant training partners in our group of friends. We usually alternate between each other picking the weekend location during the winter and anyone else interested in joining in must meet us. Rule #1 very little time is spent talking on the phone about it. If he calls me and confirms a ride, location and time I know he'll be there and vice versa. Rule #2 never tell the others the real mileage intended, always make it sound shorter! (just kidding)Most sundays start with breakfast @ Eatn Park, drive to the trail then ride for hours and hours. Sometimes a sunday ride will be 5 to 6 hours of riding. If the weather lets us we'll ride trails, some of which are right from my basement door.

TJ recently started a new job and affiliation with Trek of Pittsburgh so for this ride we suited up with their colors and headed out. We talked about the things happening in his life and about the new store he'll be working at in Cranberry Twp soon. Everyone is excited about this store coming to the area. For sometime we really haven't had anything in the way of a major bike shop in the Butler area and alot of guys wouldn't drive the distance to pittsburgh to purchase a one. Soon this won't be a problem. If you're in the Cranberry Area around christmas stop in and check it out on Rt 228. You just may get to see a few of our race bikes on display there.

So I haven't download the data from our ride but I'll guess that it was close to 70 miles in the cool fall weather. The sun came out and went away, it rained lightly for periods yet the day was a great enjoyment for me..... pedaling with a close friend!
Weather never dictates how good or bad the ride is just getting out and feeling the freedom of getting somewhere using your own energy makes it a successful ride.

I'm looking at a long winter of fun rides with TJ and others so if you want to pedal look us up.

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